Saturday, June 26, 2010

Clear vs. Compelling

The old speaking adage goes: 1. Tell them what you're gonna tell them. 2. Tell them. 3. Tell them what you told them.

Can you imagine if movies were structured that way?

1. The wife will be killed and the husband will then get revenge on all the bad guys except the one who will get away.
2. So, the wife is killed and the husband goes on a rampage, avenging his wife's death and killing all the bad guys. Except one gets away.
3. The wife was killed. The husband killed all but one bad guy.

Sigh. Boring.

I love messages with a storyline. Messages that take me on a ride through a question or a problem, a possible solution and a call to action make me feel like I was able to discover truth and not just listen to a talker. I get that the theory behind this technique is clarity and I love clarity - but I believe it can be delivered in a compelling sort of way.

Tomorrow - and all this week - we'll be looking at easy ways to give messages some tension and mystery to help audiences engage in fresh, new ways.

So, what do you think of the old adage? Would you use it yourself? Do you think it works? I'd love to hear your thoughts.


  1. Hi Bo, I am so excited about your new blog. I don't regularly read any blogs at the moment, but this may just be the FIRST that I will truly follow. It's so timely for me.

    So, I was thinking that the "old adage" you're referring to may just be the very reason why all of my creative writing classes had me convinced that I hated writing. Not sure I ever conscientiously thought of that before, but for me the reason may just be simply that, that's not the way I personally came to the truth I'm now wanting to relay.

    I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts on the "craft" of speaking. At this point, in my own case, I tend to set the stage in much the same way I processed the information or the truth myself. Which is definitely the 3-step essay format.

    Thanks for starting this particular blog. =D

  2. OK, well, I think maybe I've worked in domestic violence too long. When I read wife gets killed and then next the word "husband", I immediately saw the husband as the perp instead of the rescuer. My head is full of too many stats that say that's usually the case! UGH! I like your writing better than that reality though! :-)

    LOVE the background with the old phone, etc!
    Looking forward to your new blog! Aww heck, I look forward to anything you do Bo!

  3. Dearest Cassie - thank you for the comment. However, I am still getting used to blogger and I think perhaps I accidentally sent it on a one-way trip to ... I don't actually know where. I didn't want you to think I deleted you. Much love!

  4. Christa and Nita - many thanks as well.

  5. Old adage needs to die a permanent death, there's nothing remotely comforting about a room full of strangers missing the majority of their clothing.

  6. YAY! You did it...what fun! and just before we moved to cali, i was in a women's small group to learn how to lead a women's group and that is EXACTLY, VERBATIM, TO-THE-T what she taught us. Lucky for me, i was a bad student. ;-)

  7. Ha! I meant to say at the end...."definitely NOT the 3 step format." LOL *wow i need this blog* ha ha
