Sunday, August 29, 2010

Eat this, Speak that

In the lineup of scriptures about preaching, Ezekiel 3 is a barn burner! God sends Ezekiel to people who don't want to hear from him, with a message that isn't at all good news. Then in chapters 4 and 5, He goes several steps further by making Ezekiel himself the sermon illustration. When I read it this morning, I found myself hoping Ezekiel was having an excellent Sunday, enjoying his heavenly reward which surely must be HUGE because: laying on one's side for 390 days while shaking your fist and preaching deserves a whole lotta somethin', you know?

While uncomfortable to read, Ezekiel's story has truckloads of truth for present-day preachers. This was my take-home today:

  1. We are blessed that we live in an era when the message we have been called to preach is by definition "good news". What joy! I don't want to forget to be thankful that I am not preaching death and destruction and I need to be unapologetic that the good news comes packaged up with some hard truth.
  2. Some people will still not like hearing the good news - but we preach anyway. Ezekiel 3:11
  3. It's harder to speak to those who are familiar to us. Ezekiel 3:3
  4. Sometimes the battle for confidence in speaking comes down to: who do am I going to fear the most? Ezekiel 3:9
  5. In order to be effective communicators of the Word of life, we have to have swallowed what we're selling. Ezekiel 3:1-2
One small, obscure chapter. So much rich instruction for those who want to preach His Word, His way.

Happy Sunday, Ezekiel!


Saturday, August 21, 2010

'Splainin to do

Here's a simple fact that many (many, MANY!) speakers in church settings forget: most people are not really very familiar with the Bible. And that's okay. In fact, that's great - it means they're right where they should be. HOWEVER, I once heard a speaker allude to six different Bible stories in 40 minutes without explaining a word of what she meant. She said things like...

"You know, like David at Ziklag..."

"I felt just like Mary , bringing my oil to Jesus' feet..." (seriously, how weird does that sound if you don't know that story - especially considering that most people unfamiliar with the WHOLE Bible associate Mary as the mother-of-Jesus and don't realize there are at least four other Mary's mentioned.)

"I want to pass my mantle on to you...the Elisha's in my world."

Really...truly...people are not very Bible literate. Even in churches that do that cool Bible chant before every single message, not everyone is going to immediately remember every story. And even if they do remember the story, they may not understand exactly what you're saying when you tell them you responded like David at Ziklag, you know? Finally, it can make people who are new to Christianity or just new to an obscure Bible verse feel unintelligent or alienated from the discussion...and that's bad.

The Word is powerfully sharp. Therefore, quickly mentioning Bible events, verses or illustrations without explaining the point of application can be like hacking away at a sliver in someone's hand with a chainsaw. In 2 Timothy 2:15, Paul tells young Timothy how important it is to divide and portion out the Word of God in the right way. That remains true for us today.

Know the Bible. Use it well. But make sure and explain yourself.

Still learning,


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Irony is...

I'm speaking this weekend and it makes it so much harder for me to blog about speaking. That seems ironic to me, but maybe I'm misinterpreting the word. I think that the problem is not just the time schedule, but the focus re-shifting that throws me off.

Which leads me to this thought: I don't know how pastors who speak every week do it. It's so much prep and prayer time, so much development and research, just so...much. Perhaps when you are responsible for a message that often, you have to let go of some of the perfectionist tendencies and trust God more with the content. Perhaps. Or maybe pastors just have to get really good at raising up teams of people who can carry the load and feed the sheep well. I'm thankful that our pastor leads that way and I've tried to be that same kind of leader. More important to me than being a good speaker is being a good speaker-raiser-upper (is too a word). I want to give lots of people the chance to discover the gifts that God has placed inside of them. And I'd like to help them in ways that I would have liked to have been helped back in the day.

This weekend I'm speaking on a new topic for me and it's one I'm a little nervous about because it doesn't immediately sound very happy, but I think it's really important: endurance. In terms of raising a family it's a character trait that will be required by 100% of all married people and all parents. No relationships in life will last without endurance. And as I've studied, I'm amazed at how much the Bible has to say about how essential it is to our lives.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Oh, also: if you're someone who speaks every week, tell us how you do it!

Happy Wednesday,


Friday, August 6, 2010

How to Build a Great Thesis

So, when I develop a thesis for a message, I ask myself a few simple questions - not necessarily in this order:

  1. Is there a pre-assigned series or message theme? I used to worry about trying to tailor a message around a specific theme - it sounded very confining. But now my feeling is: the more details that are determined ahead of time, the easier it is to hone in on a thesis that will lead to an effective message.
  2. Who is my audience? What are their primary needs right now? Answering these two questions is SO important. It will not only help form your thesis, but also your illustrations and general tone. These are the questions that change your goal from "speak a great message" to "partner with the Holy Spirit to help change lives." Knowing your audience is a big stinkin' deal and will be covered in another post.
  3. Within the borders of this topic, what has made the most impact in my life ? It's hard to preach what you haven't lived yet. For me, in our Great Escapes series, I wanted to hone in on the great stuff that I have experienced - and everyone can - when I decided to pursue and embrace the presence of God.
  4. If this audience only remembers one transforming truth from this talk, what would I want it to be? What would Jesus want it to be? This is really the money question and you should be able to answer it in one or two sentences. In my experience, the more I pray about it, the simpler and clearer the thesis becomes. Weird, huh?
Once you have a clear, concise thesis you can start to build the rest of the message. It's amazing to me how a workable thesis opens the door to all kinds of creative thinking and Holy Spirit inspiration. When you have a clear destination marked on the map, you can make great travel plans - but when you don't know where you're headed, it's hard to figure out how you're going to get there.

I know there's more involved in developing a thesis, but I want to keep it simple and automatic. If I've missed something, feel free to add it in the comments!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Developing a Thesis (it really does matter!)

If you can't write your message in a sentence, you can't say it in an hour.
--Dianna Booher

It took me years to discover the powerful tool that is...dun dun DUN: The Thesis. A thesis by my definition (which may be entirely wrong, but it's what we're going with because I'm the one eating cookies and writing this blog) is a one or two sentence description of what your message will say. When all the stories and scriptures and word pictures are boiled down into one spoonful of soup, what will the audience take home? My senior pastor, Ken Johnson, has helped me understand this so much and he generally insists that we present some sort of thesis well in advance of our messages. I've been in sermon-planning meetings where he will ask for a description of where someone is headed with their message and if they go too long he'll kindly say, "You're going to have to narrow your thesis." And he's right.

Think of a thesis as a sharpening tool. It helps the speaker focus everything she's developing on the main purpose of her message. It's so easy to let stray illustrations or examples find their way into a talk because we really like them and want to use them - but if they don't add anything to the power and focus of the thesis, then they actually can dilute the whole thing. People who don't get opportunities to speak often really need this kind of focus and discipline because it's tempting to try to say everything you might not get a chance to say again soon. On the flipside, those who speak every week also need a thesis because it's easy to fall into the trap of letting messages string together in one long train of thought rather than planning each one as a mini military-strike. I've been in both camps and I can tell you that I wouldn't want to share even a five-minute testimony at this point in my life without first developing a thesis.

So, I hope I've convinced you of the "why". Next: the "how".

Focusing on focus,


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Guest Post; Ah, Talking to Teenagers

This is a guest post by my friend,

<------Cassie D. There she is!

She has been speaking to the youth at our church for several years and has learned a lot in the process. I wanted her to share the biggest challenges she has run into on this adventure...and next week I will share mine.

“Can I get more house lights?”

This is a common opening phrase of many a speaker, the idea of speaking to the dark has never appealed to me much either. When the magical house light button is pushed and you suddenly realize you are speaking to a room full of teenagers panic may grip your heart and your very trusty notes all of a sudden seem obsolete.

Speaking to teenagers is definitely not for everyone and certainly not for the faint-of-heart. They sit (or should I say slouch?) in that chair staring at you. Waiting. Distracted. Half asleep. A blessed few are perched on the edge of their seats with notebook and pen in hand ready to scribble down notes of an anticipated life-changing message.

I have been speaking to teenagers for 5 years now and have a lot to learn and room for growth, but if I know anything I know that it is challenging.

Being relevant. I would like to think that because I am only a few years out of HS I can relate to students and grasp the culture they are living in. Recently I have realized I have a lot to learn. I read the covers of the tabloids at the grocery store to try and find out who is “hot” and who is “not.” I attempt to listen to the “cool” music and I try to know the names of a few well-known sports starts. However, in my speaking to teenagers all my “cool” and “hip” knowledge of these things doesn’t seem to get me too far. I still get blank stares and a few thumbs down if I mention the wrong celebrity or persona. I can’t throw in a few rad new words and expect them to jump on the train I am trying to get them on. They want more than that. Some of those things might impress some of them, but in the long run it is my belief that they want to be known. They want to see that you understand where they are. They don’t care so much if you or I know all the words to a Lady Gaga song, as long as you can some how reach into their life from the stage.

Being relational. I realize that my last couple sentences bleed right into being relational, but I guess that’s how it works. Teenagers want to be know, they also don’t want to feel like they are at school again. They see 4-6 teachers a day, they don’t need or want to come to church and feel like the person on the platform is speaking down to them. I remember a time I saw a girl sitting off to the right side of the stage, all alone. She was wearing all black, her hair had gone through a lot to become the shade of blue-ish-black it was. She had piercing I had to tilt my head at to try and figure out. She was not someone I would have been friends with in HS and there I was standing on a stage trying to relate to her! Teenagers LOVE being known by name. If I have an illustration I am using to convey a point, I try really hard to say “Jake, you are the guy in this story….” Or “Sarah you know what I am talking about….” I never want to expose a students life from up front, but if I can somehow get them into my story or on the train of thought I want them on, they know I can relate with them. My favorite simple thing to be relational; get off the stage.

Being riveting. Three “Rs”. Riveting. Captivating. Attention-grabbing. If I launched into a message and sound like a history teacher who is reading from a text book, the 6 students hiding in the back row will check out before I am done speaking the first 10 words. BEWARE; teenagers know if you are trying to hard. They can pick up on “attention getters” and they know where you are going with the “two cliffs and a cross” analogy. No matter what the students day, year or month has looked like somewhere inside of that crazy t-shirt and too much makeup face is a knowledge that coming to youth group or church is supposed to be “good” for them. If we as speakers and preachers cannot hold their attention for more than 5 minutes when we step onto stage, we should just play dodge-ball for two hours and fulfill the “be relational” part of things. Think outside the box. So much is not captivating to the average person, especially youth because of the mass media and over visual stimulating world we live in. This is probably one of the biggest challenges I have. To keep a teenagers attention for 20 minutes is a work of art that must be practiced.

Next time the lights come up and you realize you are speaking to a group of crazy-haired teenagers, don’t panic! Take a deep breath and realize they are more like you than you know. They desire to be known. Deep behind the half-asleep eyes staring at you is a heart that has a desire to hear a life-changing, world-rocking message, your message. Breathe in and out and realize that for some reason you are standing on that stage with a (half) captivated audience and the God who has not failed you yet will not leave you to change their lives alone. So, turn up the house lights and get going.

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Gift of Empathy

They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. -- Carl W. Buechner

When people ask me what it takes to be a good speaker, I have one immediate response: empathy. I love when a speaker makes an audience feel that even though they maybe haven't experienced the same joys and heartaches, that they can still understand. For too many people, a mic in hand makes them want to demonstrate expertise rather than empathy and it alienates listeners. I'm not talking about mushy, silly, support-group sympathy...but rather an awareness that life is sometimes really hard and terribly unfair and an acknowledgment that I don't have it all figured out but I know that God is good even in the questions.

This kind of gift isn't necessarily expressed with words. It's what happens when the 75-year-old widow in the audience feels not just "taught" but seen and known and loved. That doesn't come from using a well-placed illustration about visiting a nursing's a supernatural thing. Beth Moore has it. You watch her and you feel almost immediately that she would understand you and that if you had coffee together she would maybe speak some hard truth, but she would do it in a way that brought life.

I think youth pastors blow it in this one a lot. In an effort to communicate truth, they lose their grip on love and it's the rare teenager that can swallow one without the other. Empathy. It's brilliant and I have asked the Holy Spirit to let me carry it inside every word.

And speaking of speaking to youth: stick around this week for a guest post from a young woman who is an up-and-coming speaker and is going to share honestly the toughest parts about standing in front of the adolescent set and hoping to goodness they're willing to listen.

Happy Monday!


Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday Feature #3

Sigh. A long week of actually speaking kept me from blogging about speaking. Next week is my oyster!

Today's feature is a very recent and excellent message by Pastor John Mark Comer from Solid Rock Church in Portland, Oregon. The topic? Adultery. The tone? Serious, straightforward and redemptive.

Check it out here.

Happy weekend,


Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday Feature #2

Rarely has so much been said in less than four minutes.

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

TV and Truth

This weekend at Westside, we are launching a series called Summer Sweeps which is built around television shows.

Now, please know that I can hear the pre-complaining about this all the way from my sofa.

"But TV is evil!"
"We need to be IN our world but not OF it."
"I want to hear some MEAT from the Word!"

I know those arguments really well, and I'm pretty sure I've invented some of them. However, after really studying the teachings of Jesus, I no longer agree with my own well-crafted complaints about using media for messages in church.

Jesus - the most amazing communicator who ever lived - was brilliant at pointing to an everyday, ordinary object that everyone understood and using it to testify to truth. Rarely do we find Him, scroll in hand, reading a text and then explaining it point by point with Hebrew definitions thrown in for those who might wonder if He really does have an Mdiv. Really, He walked and talked a lot. He looked at field and a farmer and held up a sack lunch. He took His listeners on mental field trips to pig pens where they could watch a runaway eat the slop and then to the stormy shoreline where they could examine the wreckage of a house built on the wrong foundation. In the teaching of Jesus, the whole world was His white board.

If He were here today, I can't imagine that He would spend much time watching tv, but I also can't imagine that He would refuse to use it to testify to truth.

So, let's crack open this can of worms: what do you think about sermons that use modern media, movies, tv, music,, etc. as a launch point? Is there a line where the message is too shallow or too worldly or ineffective? (I really don't have answers to many of these thoughts are currently in development.)

Bring on the worms!


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Powerful Pause

The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause. -- Mark Twain

Mark Twain was totally right (and I'm tired of him stealing all the best quotes.) I learned this trick when speaking to youth, but I use it all the time with adults as well. When the crowd gets distracted or chatty (sometimes this will happen when a cell phone goes off and please believe, a cell phone will ring when you are's the 7th Law of the Speaking Universe) or even a little unruly, there are a couple of options:

  1. Shush them. Because nothing is more fun than hearing "Shssssssh!" repeatedly over a microphone.
  2. Try to out-volume them. Raise your voice, talk a little louder and if you have to - shout 'em down!
  3. Speed up and/or try to say something funny. Don't do this one! It usually comes out awkward and if it does actually end up being funny, they'll miss it anyway because they're already talking.
  4. Cry. Oh, there have been times when I've wanted to bust out this move - usually at the "School's Out for Summer" party when everyone has eaten their weight in junk food and are not loving our attempts to redeem the evening with a little "come to Jesus" word at the end.
In spite of how effective these techniques may look on paper, they all fail in varying degrees. And yet, I constantly watch speakers unsuccessfully respond to crowd distraction by trying to be more loud, funny or compelling. That's a really tough gig.

The trick that does work and I have about a thousand examples under my belt with this one is: silence. Audiences in public settings are very uncomfortable with silence and can only handle about 15 seconds before they want to bolt. If you keep talking through distraction, people will feel at home in the distraction, but when you stop talking they will eventually move their attention back to the stage. It is a magical trick and it works nearly every time. A well-placed pause also serves as a flashing neon arrow that directs the listener to your current point. It's interesting how often speakers raise their voices in order to emphasize a point when not talking at all is a much better way and a lot less work.

Pause. It's a power move.

So, here's a fun question: what's the most distracting situation you have ever seen a speaker, teacher, presenter have to deal with?

Monday, July 5, 2010

University of Conversation

Happy Monday!

I hope you had an awesome Independence Day. We were blessed to have nearly my whole family with us this weekend and I was reminded once again what a gift it is to enjoy healthy relationships.

Here are some things I observed in our communication this weekend:

  • Teenagers may not remember that you asked them to load the dishwasher, but they will remember, word-for-word, every line from a Saturday Night Live skit from 4 years ago.
  • Wanna see a big crowd go suddenly silent? Serve them food.
  • Men who let women share their point-of-view without mocking, eye rolling or condescending are just wonderful. I'm so blessed to have been raised in an environment where women's words were valued and listened to. I'm certain it shaped my life in more ways than I know.
  • On the flipside, I love the way my mom and sisters have always honored their husband's ideas and input. Nothing feeds communication more positively than mutual respect and a healthy sense of "I think you're really smart!" I know that the women in my family sometimes disagree with the men in their lives, but they are careful about the way they communicate with them in public and in general, they just don't take cheap shots and I like that.
  • Most people (ME!) include a lot of unnecessary details in stories and then start to cut out the fat when they realize the crowd is losing interest. This is such an interesting dynamic that I will probably write a post on it soon.
  • Note to self: those who use words more sparingly, are listened to more intently.
  • The best conversationalists are those who have applied themselves to the art of attentive listening.
  • I am more convinced than ever that nearly all of the learning, relating and growing that we do in communication happens in the context of storytelling. Jesus really did know what He was doing with the parables.
Really, there's so much to be learned about communication by intentionally observing the conversations that go on around you every day. Here's a little homework assignment: tonight at whatever dinner table you find yourself, stay more quiet than usual and really watch and listen. Pay attention to body language, verbal cues, use of humor. Watch carefully when and how people share their opinions and how others respond to them. Observe the way the conversation ebbs and flows: does one person carry most of the conversational weight or is the load shared equally by the group? If you notice something interesting, come back here and share it with the group!

Fun week ahead,


Friday, July 2, 2010

Friday Feature

Happy Friday and happy FOURTH of JULY weekend! I think this is certainly one of the very best holidays because it comes complete with great food, family and fireworks...but no presents. My whole family is here for the weekend and we plan on doing a lot of eating and talking because that is what we do best. (It's good to know your strengths and stick with them!)

I think one of the best ways to become a great speaker is to listen to great speakers - not to imitate them, but to learn from them. Look at what they do well and how they transition and what moments really work in their message. On Fridays, I would like to share a great message. Feel free to grab some popcorn, pull up a chair and enjoy the show.

This clip is from one of my favorite sessions in the Esther bible study by Beth Moore. I love when a speaker marries humor and truth and few do it as brilliantly as Miss Beth:

Happy Fourth, friends!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hide the Mechanics

I still remember the day that Mr. Rogers broke my heart. I believed in the magic trolley. I really believed. And then one day, he showed us that it wasn't magic and it didn't just show up because it wanted to show up. It was a switch, and he moved the lever.

Ever since that fateful day, I've had an aversion to mechanics. I don't want to know how stuff works, I just want it to work. Like magic.

That's how I like messages to be. I don't need to know that a speaker is about to give an illustration by hearing him say, "Here's an illustration about why we should take good care of our finances." Just tell me the story and tie the point in and I'll move along with you. I'm good with the message reaching it's conclusion without being told, "And now, in conclusion." This is one of the reasons I'm not always a big fan of the list-of-points message, because it almost forces the speaker to teach in a mechanical "and now, point number 2" kind of way. I think points are good for take-home value, but - just like a zipper in a good dress - care must be taken when crafting the message to hide them into the structure without showing them off to the whole world.

Finally, here's the mechanic I especially don't want to hear about: time. This is also the one that I violate the most. I've often been guilty of looking worriedly at the clock and saying, "Oh man, I gotta hurry or we'll be here til Tuesday." But I'm really trying not to and I deputize anyone who hears me do it to smack me with a trolley.

Mechanics are necessary, but everyone doesn't need to see them. Sometimes, it's just nice to let the message be magic.

What do you think? Are there things you've heard speakers say that you wish they would have kept under wraps? Or does it keep it more real for you when they tell you where they're headed and what they're thinking as they go there?

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Women and Fire

Hey, did you get a chance to read the blog post I linked yesterday? It asked the question "Where are all the female communicators in the church?" Most of the comments both there and here are variations on the same theme: they're still in the church, but their voice has been silenced by I Timothy 2. I would agree that doctrine is a big part of it, but I think it's more than that.

I am a credentialed minister in the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel which was founded by the decidedly non-silent Aimee Semple McPherson. Aimee was a controversial and dynamic woman. Whether you love or loathe her, you have to admit that she was one of the most effective and creative communicators of her day. When is the last time people were lined up around the block, waiting to get into your church because they were so excited to hear the message? That's the kind of speaker Aimee was. She was also an absolute force to be reckoned with, but that's a post for another time.

My point in all this is: many denominations are very solidly in the anti-women-speaking camp doctrinally. My denomination is not at all in that camp. Foursquare believes corporately that women can be speakers, teachers, missionaries and senior pastors. So, you would think that Foursquare would be crawling with female communicators, yes? Well...not really.

I read a statistic recently that said when Aimee Semple McPherson was the head of the denomination (in the late 1930's and early 40's), 59% of those being licensed and ordained were women. Fast forward 50 years and less than 5% of Foursquare licensees are women.

What gives? Part of it, I think, is that in order for people to attempt something that hasn't been accepted in the past, they don't just need permission - they need encouragement and role models. Aimee didn't just believe that God could use a woman to speak, she went first. And after that, she grabbed a bunch of other women by the hand and said, "You can do it too!"

Please know that this blog is not to prove that it's okay doctrinally for women to speak to men or anyone else. I had to wrestle that out in my life and I'm really clear on my position, and you'll have to wrestle it out in yours. But if you do arrive in a place where you can confidently say, "I believe that our gracious God wants to use me as a communicator in His beautiful House," you will run into plenty of people who disagree and plenty who don't really care. You may not, however, find very many who are willing to become a friend to your dream. More than almost anything else, that is what I would like to be: a strength to women with the fire of the Word of God locked up inside. I'd also love to be a cheerleader for the men of God who are willing to give those ladies the chance to stand behind a pulpit let that fire roll. In that regard, I think the world needs a lot more people like Aimee.

Hoping to start some fires,


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Once Upon a Time: the Story of Introductions

One of my favorite parts of message-development is working on the introduction. It used to be the first thing I tackled but now I've learned to save it for's sometimes even the last thing I write. I just find it much more interesting to introduce a message that I've gotten to know than a message I haven't really met yet.

To me, the introduction is the Once Upon a doesn't tell the whole story, but it invites us to know more. It leads us to a beautiful (or funny or scary or ugly) door and then turns the handle, urging us to step through and find out what's waiting on the other side. At its best, the introduction poses a question or a problem that we can all understand and relate to. It sets each of us off on our own search for the answer or the solution.

I once taught about unforgiveness and how it keeps us in emotional prison. As I wrote the message, I kept hearing in the back of my head, "Take the keys and lock her up..." That's a line everyone knows and it's frankly a little creepy which is exactly what I wanted. Because hey - if in the first five minutes of a my message people are thinking:

unforgiveness = creepy prison cell

...big WIN! They've already done most of the speaking work for me! My intro, therefore, was a quick review on the crazy and sometimes violent rhymes that we teach to our adorable and unsuspecting children...and the last one I mentioned was London Bridges which transitioned perfectly into the main theme of the message. The line "take the keys and lock her up" also became a mini-mantra that made an appearance a couple of times during the message as well as at the very end.

I think that speakers often give too much set up in the beginning. Let's look again:

"Today, we're going to talk about forgiveness and how it sets you free from emotional prison and we're going to look at how Joseph was able to get out of prison and forgive his brothers and then I'm going to invite you to forgive people who have hurt you as well."

It's truth. And it's definitely what the message will be about, but it doesn't intrigue or invite me into the story. It gives all the answers before convincing me that there's a question.

A good introduction is worth its 4 minutes of weight in gold...and the real gold of public speaking is "eyes up front" (i.e. attentiveness). Every speaker has to earn credibility (that's another post) and the attention of her audience (that's this post, in case you stopped paying attention.) The introduction is a powerful chance to launch a lovely lasso and draw your listener into the heart of what God wants to say.

What do you think? Do you like intros? Loathe them? Struggle with them? Think they're a necessary evil? Do tell!

Where are all the Female Communicators?

Later today I'll put up a new post, but my friend, Ryan, sent me this link and I think it's really interesting and important. Where are all the female communicators in the church?

I have some theories I'll share tomorrow, but I'd love to hear your thoughts today...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Clear vs. Compelling

The old speaking adage goes: 1. Tell them what you're gonna tell them. 2. Tell them. 3. Tell them what you told them.

Can you imagine if movies were structured that way?

1. The wife will be killed and the husband will then get revenge on all the bad guys except the one who will get away.
2. So, the wife is killed and the husband goes on a rampage, avenging his wife's death and killing all the bad guys. Except one gets away.
3. The wife was killed. The husband killed all but one bad guy.

Sigh. Boring.

I love messages with a storyline. Messages that take me on a ride through a question or a problem, a possible solution and a call to action make me feel like I was able to discover truth and not just listen to a talker. I get that the theory behind this technique is clarity and I love clarity - but I believe it can be delivered in a compelling sort of way.

Tomorrow - and all this week - we'll be looking at easy ways to give messages some tension and mystery to help audiences engage in fresh, new ways.

So, what do you think of the old adage? Would you use it yourself? Do you think it works? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

5 Ways to avoid picturing people in their underwear

I would love to know what knucklehead first came up with the idea for scared speakers, "Just picture everyone in their underwear." In what universe is being surrounded by nearly-naked people more relaxing? It's truly terrible advice.

The thing is, though, that no matter how many times I speak, I generally deal with nerves at some point in the process. Here are some things I've discovered that have worked:


God picked David to take out Goliath and He has - for whatever reason - asked you to tackle this speaking assignment. Close your eyes for a minute and imagine all the things that might have been going through His heart when He chose you to communicate His truth to this particular group. How might you grow from it? How might they? How can He be glorified, even in the middle of your anxiety?

I've found that instead of asking Him to take away all the fear, it's sometimes more effective to simply ask for the gift of courage. Jesus didn't promise His disciples that He would remove all the scary snakes and scorpions (Luke 10:19), but rather that they would have authority to stomp on them. Need some stomping strength from the Word? Here you go: Deut. 31:6, 2 Chronicles 20:15 & 17, Psalm 31, Romans 8:15, 2 Timothy 1:7, 1 John 4:18.

It's amazing how often I forget this one very important skill. Deep breath in, deep breath out.

Speaking outside of my church (where people already know and love me) is more intimidating and so I've learned to take someone who does know and love me along for the ride. When I run out of bravery, it's good to have someone there to pray and cheer-lead and say, "You can do this!" If all else fails, they can remind you to picture people in their underwear. (Check out what strong friends did for Paul's courage in Acts 28:15)

Nothing gives me more violent jitters than the feeling of being unprepared. For me, being fully prepared involves about 20 hours of work (I'll post on my prep process soon), but for you it may look different. Whatever makes you feel ready to roll, do it. If you need notes, use them. If notes get in your way then practice your talk enough to be able to leave the notes behind. One thing that is absolutely non-negotiable for me is a little bit of practice. Musicians practice. Athletes practice. Speakers really, really need to practice. More on this down the road.

So that's five quick ways that I tackle the tumultuous speaking stomach. How do you deal with fear?

First things first.

I am incredibly blessed to be able to make a living doing what I love most: communicating life changing truth to all kinds of people. My ministry resume, however, includes lots of years of filling holes. Are you familiar? Hole-filling is the season of doing whatever needs to be done while you figure out what you would really like to do. For me, that meant spending time hugging babies in the nursery, cleaning the restrooms, folding bulletins and all manner of other odd jobs before I discovered and landed in what I think is my sweet spot. That season of learning and serving and searching and discovering was more important and invaluable than I can say.

So, for about eight years now, I have served as a teaching pastor at Westside Church. I teach in our weekend services, our college interns program, youth ministry, discipleship venues and anywhere else they need me to teach. I also speak at conferences outside our church and I love that part of my life as well. After years of maintaining a schedule of about 100 gigs annually, some of which were wildly successful and others I would love to have permanently expunged from my memory bank, I've learned a lot about what works and why.

But I haven't learned everything. Not by a long shot.

So, I decided to build a little cybercity where we could all gather our favorite resources, tips, tricks and new ideas for those who are working to powerfully communicate the outrageous love of our amazing God. So, whether you speak to 2 or 2000, I hope you find something here that excites and encourages you.

Good times ahead,
